Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Durmitor to Novi Pazar, Serbia

Wednesday, May 14
It poured throughout the night, and due to the fact that it had quieted by the time we got up gave us hope -- until we opened the window blinds and saw that it was beginning to snow!!  We had no second thoughts about our decision to move on instead of spending a second night in the mountains, as we'd planned.
With that possibility in mind, we'd chosen a destination last night, despite the fact that we could not get online to book lodging or do any research or "advance" planning.  The snow was wet and soon changed to sleet, then rain as we drove along the beautiful Tara River Canyon and lovely green countryside toward Novi Pazar, Serbia.  As we got to the border, we began to see mosques, as well as churches, in the small towns.

The rain continued into the afternoon, almost until our arrival at a hotel we found with the help of Lonely Planet and our GPS.  We're happily situated along the river, a block from the Turkish Market, and a couple more to the old town.

Before dinner we walked around the town for an hour and then ate in a local rostilj bbq for cevapcici, a Serbian staple -- vegetarians beware! 

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